Mehr HCI Bücher

Das sind einige meiner Bücher, die mit dem Thema HCI zu tun haben:

37signals (2004). Defensive design for the web: How to improve error messages, help, forms, and other crisis points. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing.

Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., & Silverstein, M. (1977). A Pattern Language. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press.

Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Alexander, C. (1979). The Timeless Way of Building. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press.

Apple Computer, Inc. (1995). Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. [Für Mac OS X online.]

Arnowitz, J., Arent, M., & Berger, N. (2007). Effective Prototyping for Software Makers. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Baecker, R. M., Grudin, J., Buxton, W. A. & Greenberg, S. (Eds.). (1995). Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000 (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.

Baxley, B. (2003). Making the Web Work: Designing Effective Web Applications. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing.

Beyer, H. & Holtzblatt, K. (1998). Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Brown, D. (2007). Communicating Design. Berkeley: Peachpit Press.

Buxton, B. (2007). Sketching User Experiences. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann.

Card, S. K., Moran, T. P. & Newell, A. (1983). The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers.

Carroll, J. M. (Ed.). (2000). Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of Human-Computer Interactions. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Cheng, K. (2012). See what I mean: How to use comics to communicate ideas. Rosenfeld Media.

Collins, D. (1995). Designing Object-Oriented User Interfaces. Redwood City, CA: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

Constantine, L. L. & Lockwood, L. A. D. (1999). Software For Use: A Practical Guide to the Models and Methods of Usage-Centered Design. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

Cooper, A. (1995). About Face: The Essential of User Interface Design. Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. [alte Auflage]

Cooper, A. & Reimann, R. (2003). About Face 2.0: The essentials of interaction design. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. [alte Auflage]

Cooper, A., Reimann, R., & Cronin, D. (2007). About Face 3. Indianapolis: Wiley Pub. [alte Auflage]

Cooper, A., Reimann, R., Cronin, D. & Noessel, C. (2014). About Face (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Cooper, A. (1999). The Inmates Are Running the Asylum. Indianapolis, IN: SAMS, Macmillan Computer Publishing.

Courage, C. & Baxter, K. (2004). Understanding your users: A practical guide to user requirements: Methods, tools, and techniques. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

de Souza, C. S. (2005). The semiotic engineering of human-computer interaction. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Dourish, P. (2001). Where the Action Is. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Dreyfuss, H. (2003). Designing for people. New York: Allworth Press.

Eyal, N. & Hoover, R. (2014). Hooked: how to build habit-forming products. London: Portfolio Penguin.

Fogg, B. J. (2002). Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Frutiger, A. (1978). Der Mensch und seine Zeichen (7. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: Fourier Verlag GmbH.

Garrett, J. J. (2002). The Elements of User Experience. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing.

Goodwin, K. (2009). Designing for the Digital Age. New York: Wiley.

Gothelf, J. & Seiden, J. (2016). Lean UX: designing great products with Agile teams (2nd edition). Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.

Greenbaum, G. & Kyng, M. (Eds.). (1991). Design at Work. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S., Marquardt, N. & Buxton, B. (2012). Sketching user experiences: The Workbook. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Hackos, J. T. & Redish J. C. (1998). User and Task Analysis for Interface Design. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Hartson, R. & Pyla, P.S. (2012). The UX Book: process and guidelines for ensuring a quality user experience. Morgan Kaufmann. [alte Auflage]

Hartson, R. & Pyla, P. (2018). The UX book: Agile UX design for a quality user experience (2nd edition). Morgan Kaufmann.

Helander, M. H, Landauer, T. K. & Prabhu, P. V. (Eds.). (1997). Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction (2nd ed.). Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier Science B.V.

Hoekman, R. (2007). Designing the Obvious. Indianapolis: New Riders.

Holtzblatt, K., Wendell, J. B., & Wood, S. (2004). Rapid contextual design: A how-to guide to key techniques for user-centered design. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Jenson, S. (2002). The Simplicity Shift. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Online verfügbar]

Johnson, J. (2000). GUI Bloopers – Dont’s and Do’s for Software Developers and Web Designers. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Inc. [alte Auflage]

Johnson, J. (2007). Gui Bloopers 2.0: Common User Interface Design Don'ts and Dos. San Diego: Morgan Kaufmann.

Johnson, S. (1997). Interface Culture. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Jonsson, E. (2002). Inner Navigation: Why we Get Lost in the World and How we Find Our Way.

Kalbach, J. (2007). Designing Web Navigation. Sebastopol: O'Reilly.

Knapp, J., Zeratsky, J. & Kowitz, B. (2016). Sprint: how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Kolko, J. (2007). Thoughts on Interaction Design. Brown Bear LLC. [Online verfügbar]

Krug, S. (2005). Don't make me think: A common sense approach to web usability. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing.

Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Landauer, T. K. (1995). The Trouble with Computers. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Laurel, B. (1990). Computers as Theatre. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Laurel, B. (Ed.). (1990). The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Laurel, B. (2003). Design Research. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Lidwell, W., Holden, K., & Butler, J. (2003). Universal Principles of Design. Gloucester: Rockport.

Löwgren, J. & Stolterman, E. (2004). Thoughtful interaction design: A design perspective on information technology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Lynch, P. J. & Horton, S. (1999). Web Style Guide. New Haven: Yale University Press. [Online verfügbar]

Mandel, T. (1997). The Elements of User Interface Design. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mayhew, D. J. (1992). Principles and Guidelines in Software User Interface Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Mayhew, D. J. (1999). The Usability Engineering Lifecycle. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

McCloud, S. (1994). Understanding Comics. New York: HarperPerennial.

Merholz, P., Wilkens, T., Schauer, B., & Verba, D. (2008). Subject to Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World. Sebastopol: O'Reilly & Associates.

Mijksenaar, P. & Westendorp, P. (2000). Hier öffnen. Die Kunst der Gebrauchsanweisung. Köln: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.

Moggridge, B. (2007). Designing Interactions. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Mullet, K. & Sano, D. (1995). Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques. Mountain View, CA: SunSoft Press, Prentice Hall PTR.

Nielsen, J. (1993). Usability Engineering. Chestnut Hill, MA: Academic Press.

Nielsen, J. (1999). Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing.

Nielsen, J. & Mack, R. L. (Eds.). (1994). Usability Inspection Methods. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Norman, D. A. (1988). The Design of Everyday Things. New York, NY: Doubleday.

Norman, D. A. (1993). Things that Make us Smart. Reading, MA: Perseus Books.

Norman, D. A. (1994). Defending human attributes in the age of the machine [CD-ROM]. New York, NY: Voyager Books.

Norman, D. A. (1998). The Invisible Computer. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Norman, D. A. (2004). Emotional design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Norman, D. A. (2007). The Design of Future Things. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Norman, D. A. & Draper, S. W. (Eds.). (1986). User Centered System Design. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers.

Norman, K. L. (1991). The psychology of menu selection: Designing cognitive control at the human/computer interface. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation. [Online verfügbar]

Norman, K. L. (2017). Cyberpsychology: An introduction to human-computer interaction. Cambridge university press.

Petroski, H. (1992). The Evolution of Useful Things. New York, NY: Vintage Books.

Petroski, H. (1992). To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design. New York, NY: Vintage Books.

Preece, J., Rogers, Y., & Sharp, H. (2002). Interaction design: Beyond human-computer interaction. Chicester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Raskin, J. (2000). The Humane Interface. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

Reeves, B. & Nass, C. (1996). The Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Television, and New Media Like Real People and Places. New York: CSLI Publications.

Reynolds, G. (2007). Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery. City: New Riders Press. Buch bei

Richter, M., & Flückiger, M. (2007). Usability Engineering Kompakt: Benutzbare Software gezielt entwickeln. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Ries, E. (2017). Theœ lean startup how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. New York: Currency.

Robert, D., Berry, D., Isensee, S., & Mullaly, J. (1998). Designing for the User with Ovid. Indianopolis: Macmillan Technical Pub.

Rosenfeld, L. & Morville, P. (1998). Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates.

Rubin, J. (1994). Handbook of Usability Testing. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Saffer, D. (2007). Designing for Interaction. Indianapolis: New Riders.

Schaffer, E. M. (2004). Institutionalization of Usability: a step-by-step guide. Boston: Addison-Wesley.

Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books.

Scott, B. & Neil, T. (2009). Designing Web Interfaces. Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Shneiderman, B. (1998). Designing the User Interface (3rd ed.). Reading: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

Shneiderman, B. (2002). Leonardo's laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Snyder, C. (2003). Paper Prototyping the fast and easy way to design and refine user interfaces. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier Science.

Spolsky, J. (2001). User Interface Design for Programmers. Berkeley: APress.

Spool, J. M., Scanlon, T., Schroeder, W., Snyder, C. & DeAngelo, T. (1999). Web Site Usability: a Designer’s Guide. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.

Suchman, L. A. (1987). Plans and Situated Actions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tognazzini, B. (1993). Tog on Interface. Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Tognazzini, B. (1996). Tog on Software Design. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Tufte, E. (1997). Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative. Graphics Press.

Tufte, E. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information. Graphics Press.

Tufte, E. (2006). Beautiful evidence. Graphics Press.

Van Harmelen, M. (Ed.). (2001). Object Modeling and User Interface Design: Designing Interactive Systems. Reading: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

Vesselov, S. & Davis, T. (2019). Building Design Systems: Unify User Experiences Through a Shared Sesign Language. Berkeley, CA: Apress.

Ware, C. (2008). Visual Thinking for Design. San Diego: Morgan Kaufmann.

Wickens, C.D. (2000). Engineering Psychology and Human Performance (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Winograd, T., Bennett, J., De Young, L. & Hartfield, B. (Eds.). (1996). Bringing Design to Software. Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Winograd, T. & Flores, F. (1986). Understanding Computers and Cognition. Reading: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

Wixon, D. & Ramey, J. (Eds.). (1996). Field Methods Casebook for Software Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

WM-data AB & Ericsson Radio Systems AB. (2000). Delta Method Handbook [On-line]. Available: [nicht mehr verfügbar]

Wodtke, C. (2003). Information architecture: Blueprints for the Web. Boston: New Riders.

Wodtke, C. (2017). Pencil me in: the business drawing book for people who can't draw (2nd edition). Boxes & Arrows.

Wood, L. E. (Ed.). (1998). User Interface Design – Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design. Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC.

Wroblewski, L. (2002). Site-Seeing. New York: Hungry Minds.

Wurman, R.S. (2000). Information Anxiety 2. Indianapolis: Que.